WP/AR templates - European Commission Skip to main content
Data Collection Framework - DCF

Guidelines for WP/AR templates

This guidance contains instructions on how to prepare the work plan (WP) and annual report (AR) files. It relates to EU MAP from 2022 onwards, set out in Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2021/1167 and Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1168. It has been updated on 20th September 2024.

The interactive guidelines provide a fast way to hop from WP fields to AR fields and MasterCodeList. You find descriptions and instructions to all fields from WP and AR table templates (last update: August 2024). The original instructions from 2021 are listed in the Annex of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/39.

On this website, you can also find guidance for WP and AR evaluation, for reference. The evaluation guidance is used during the AR/WP assessment conducted by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF).

In 2024, the DCF IT platform was introduced for drafting, submission and evaluation of WP and AR. Submission through electronic mail will be phased out in the coming years. The guidelines below apply to the preparation of offline documents for upload to the DCF IT platform. The documents, directly downloaded from the platform, may differ slightly in format or file names.

Files to editInteractive guidelines
  • WP tables template  [ .xlsx ]
  • WP text boxes template  [ .docx,  .pdf ]
  • WP text summary changes [ .docx, .pdf ]
  • AR tables template  [ .xlsx ]
  • AR text boxes template  [ .docx,  .pdf ]


(The .pdf files are available for online visualisation only, prior to downloading the corresponding .docx files)

General layout and drafting principles

Use the Excel and Word templates provided on this web page (see on top) to draft your WP and AR. You can also create the WP and AR directly in the DCF IT platform, either from blank documents to download and update offline, or based on existing WPs.

The regional work plans (RWP) do not have a legal template, but a template has been agreed based on the national WP. Most WP guidelines apply also to an RWP.

Keep the layout and numbering of tables and text boxes as presented in the templates. They are in line with the Annex of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/39. Do not add any tables or text boxes. You may delete tables or text boxes from your WP or AR template, if your Member State does not conduct data collection in sectors covered by certain tables or text boxes.

You may insert diagrams, pictures and formulas into the text boxes and quality annexes. If multiple illustrations are pasted in one place, group them instead of leaving a loose collection. Do not embed editable objects (diagrams, Excel tables etc.).

Indicate by (Y/N) in the summary Table 0 of the Excel file which tables and text boxes are included, and which are not. 

Format of the WP and AR files

Submit your WP and AR in following files:

  • the text boxes and quality annexes in a Microsoft Word (or compatible) text file, 
  • the standard tables in a Microsoft Excel (or compatible) file,
  • for the WP, a text document in a PDF file summarising the main changes compared to previous WP.

Quality annexes 1.1 and 1.2 and other supporting information except for the summary of changes should be included in the main WP/AR text documents. Do not provide additional separate files other than the changes summary, as such documents are less visible in the DCF IT platform. The changes summary may be uploaded as an additional document.

The WP text file should be named as follows: 

  • MemberState_WP_Programme-years_Text_Submission-date.docx
  • Example: Belgium_WP_2022-2024_Text_ YYYYMMDD.docx. 

The WP tables file should be named as follows:

  • MemberState_WP_Programme-years_Tables_Submission-date.xlsx
  • Example: Belgium_WP_2022-2024_Tables_ YYYYMMDD.xlsx

 The AR text file should be named as follows: 

  • MemberState_AR_Programme-year_Text_Submission-date.xlsx
  • Example: Belgium_AR_2022_Text_ YYYYMMDD.xlsx

The AR tables file should be named as follows:

  • MemberState_AR_Programme-year_Tables_Submission-date.xlsx
  • Example: Belgium_AR_2022_Tables_ YYYYMMDD.xlsx

For plain text use Arial or Times New Roman, font size 11 or 12.

How to fill in the WP/AR tables

Use the Excel templates provided on the DCF website. If a regional WP applies to your country, integrate the RWP content into your national WP. Do not delete or merge any cells; do not add any columns. Add as many rows as you need, but do not add empty rows (e.g. to mark sections in long tables).

The cells colour code:

  • white cells = WP cells
  • grey cells = AR cells to fill in
  • yellow cells = AR cells with formulas; they will update automatically, do not edit

Follow the interactive guidelines (for WP and AR) to fill in the tables. Do not leave blank cells. Use values from the Master Code List, included in the table template, where requested. Where numerical values (number, percentages) are requested, use integer values whenever possible and avoid numerical expressions (e.g. ‘10-15’, or ‘<60’). If the guidelines allow using ‘NA’, this is the only text allowed in the numerical columns.

When drafting the AR, keep WP tables and text boxes as they are, without modifying their content. Keep only the rows related to the implementation year of the annual report. Explain deviations in AR comments and text boxes where necessary. Specify in the AR text boxes, actions your Member State will take to avoid deviations from the WP. Formulate actions concisely; avoid vague and general remarks. 

If your Member State decides to introduce changes to an adopted work plan for years that are not yet implemented, submit an amended WP in due time for the assessment procedure (15. October of previous year). 

Before submitting the WP/AR tables, unhide any hidden cells and clear any filters, as they may hinder the evaluation process.

How to link national WPs to regional WPs

Refer to RWP in text boxes and quality annexes of your national WP as indicated in the WP template. If the same project or activity is included several RWPs, refer to it only once in the NWP text, listing all relevant RWPs. Copy the RWP table rows applicable to your MS into the national WP tables. Complete with missing national information where indicated: ‘To be completed by MS in the NWP’ and in ‘WP comments’ column. The rows of the prefilled RWP table cannot be altered otherwise when copied to the NWP. For research surveys listed in the RWP conducted by your MS, include one row per sampling activity; if necessary, multiply the RWP rows. 

How to fill in the quality annexes 1.1 and 1.2

For easier navigation, provide subheaders linking the sampling scheme descriptions to WP tables in annex 1.1. Use consistent naming for sampling scheme characteristics. Do not alter the template text in black font.

Consistent naming and codification, compliance with conventions

Apply consistent naming and coding of sampling scheme identifiers, research survey names, fleet segments or clusters, multilateral agreements, gears, species, metiers, fishing grounds etc. throughout the text and tables of the WP/AR files.

Where applicable, use codes and names from relevant tables in the EU MAP decisions and other international conventions, including those agreed by regional co-ordination groups (RCGs). 

If your Member State operates in several regions or participates in several RWPs, present the data collection activities per region and/or RWP. Present the activities outside EU waters grouped per region, and within the region, per main end user (RFMO/RFO/IO): CECAF, ICCAT etc. Follow the same division in the tables and the text boxes.


Submit your WP and AR files in English.

Revised WP/AR versions during the assessment

Before the STECF assessment, the WP/AR files are screened for omissions and errors. If necessary, you will be asked to resubmit relevant files. The resubmitted files must include the entire WP/AR text or tables file. In the tables file, mark all modified sheet tabs and table entries in red font, to facilitate their detection. In the text file, use tracked changes function to highlight changes in the text, use red font to mark changes in graphs. Change the document’s version number in the front page. Name the revised versions of the WP/AR files following the same rules as for the initial versions (see section ‘Format of the WP and AR files’ above). Add the version number in the file name.

Publication on the DCF website

Once finalised, the WP and AR are published on this website. The WP are published after the Commission has adopted its decision approving the relevant WP. The AR are published after the Member State has submitted a final version following the STECF assessment and subsequent communication with the Commission. 

Prior to their publication, all final documents need to be cleaned of tracked changes, other than black fonts and other markings. Make sure the Commission receives a clean final version of your files.