WP templates - European Commission
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Data Collection Framework - DCF

WP templates

The Work Plan table templates are listed with the possibility to navigate for each chapter also to the Annual Report (AR) table templates and the MasterCode list. WP and AR are listed in together in the Sections.

Table 1.1

Data availability

General comment: This table fulfils Article 6(3)(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004. Use this table to provide information on data availability per data set.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
RegionSee MasterCodeList 'Regions'. If information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries).
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock.
See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable).
WP tableIndicate the specific table in the work plan with details about the corresponding data. 
Data setIndicate the data set for which information on availability will be given. See MasterCodeList 'Data set'.
Data subsetIndicate the subset for which information on availability will be given. See MasterCodeList 'Data subset'.
Specific itemFree text if needed
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Reference yearIndicate the year for which data will be collected (e.g. "N", "N-1"). The year of implementation is "N".
Availability of the dataIndicate when the data collected during the reference year is planned to be available. Be as precise as possible (e.g. "N+1" is not precise enough, specify at least "N+1-2nd quarter", "N+1, specific date", etc.).
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 1.2

Planned regional and international coordination

General comment: This table fulfils Article 7(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004. Use this table to provide information on the planned participation of the Member State in meetings relevant for data collection under the DCF.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Meeting acronym

Use the official acronym for meetings your Member State plans to attend. 

As a minimum, indicate the national coordination meeting even if your Member State decided not to organise it; all RCG meetings where your Member State is involved; annual meetings of the RCG where your Member State is not involved; the Liaison meeting; the National Correspondents’ meeting. If some meetings cannot be planned by the time the WP is submitted, you may add the additional meetings your Member State has attended in the AR. 

Indicate in ‘WP comments’ column if your Member State does not organise a national coordination meeting or does not participate in an RCG.

Name of meetingEnter the full official name of the meeting planned to attend. Do not leave empty cells if you filled ‘Meeting acronym’ column.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. 
See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable).
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. 

Table 1.3

Bi and Multilateral agreements

General comment: This table fulfils Article 6(3)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004. Use this table to provide information on the agreements with other Member States and how European and international obligations are met. List only current and planned agreements. If an agreement expires during a period covered by the WP, mark it as 'obsolete' in the 'AR comments' for the year in which it is no longer in force.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code e.g. ‘DEU’. Enter all MS involved in an agreement. Separate multiple entries by comma. See MasterCodeList ‘MS’. 
Name of the agreementIndicate the name of the agreement. Member States concerned should apply the same name for the same agreement.
Contact personsProvide name and email address of the National Correspondent from each Member State involved in the agreement.
ContentDescribe briefly the aim and content of the agreement. Provide an unambiguous full reference or a valid link to the documentation of the agreement, where relevant, in the ‘WP comments’ column.
CoordinationDescribe briefly how the coordination is done/will be done and by whom.
Description of sampling / sampling protocol / sampling intensityDescribe briefly the sampling to be carried out under the agreement.
Data transmissionIndicate which Member State is or will be responsible for submitting which data set.
Access to vesselsIndicate by (Y/N/NA) if the agreement implies any form of access to other partners’ vessels. If vessels are out of scope of the agreement, enter ‘NA’. If access is implied, specify it (boarding, sharing samples at landing etc.) in ‘WP comments’ column. 
ValidityIndicate the year when the agreement expires or the year when the agreement was/will be signed, if it is automatically extended annually.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

[AR] Table 1.4

Follow-up of recommendations and agreements


(This table exists only as Annual Report)

Table 2.1

List of required species/stocks

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(a), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 2.1(a) of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify data to be collected under Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to give an overview of the collection of data at the level of area/stock. All individuals sampled shall be identified to species level and have length measurements taken, where possible. Other biological data different from length are specified in Table 2.2, and may include data collected under the surveys at sea.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Reference periodIndicate the year(s) to which the data actually refers. Select the three most recent representative years before the first year of the WP period (no update of reference period needed within the WP period), with the data available. Give the reference years as e.g. ‘2018-2020’. When the reference period differs from the most recent three years, clarify it in the ‘WP comments’ column.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.

Indicate the scientific name of all the species/stocks listed in Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, for all regions and areas where your Member State’s fishing fleet operates. When the fleet operates in a combined region (e.g. Mediterranean and Black Sea), list all species for that region.

You may add additional rows, at the end, for species or stock not included in Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, for which sampling is conducted by your Member State, RFMOs or is agreed at marine region level. Justify such an inclusion in the ‘WP comments’ column.

AreaIndicate the area for the mentioned species/stock, in accordance with the column 3 of Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex.
Average landings in the reference years (tonnes)Enter the average landings per year in the statistics reference period for each species and stock. If the species is not landed at all, then enter ‘None’. Provide the exact number of tonnes without decimal positions.
Data source used for average national landingsEnter the data source for the average national landings. See MasterCodeList 'Data Source'.
EU TAC (if any)(%)

Only applies to stocks that are subject to TAC and quota regulations. Enter ‘None’, if your Member State has no share in the EU TAC of the stock concerned. Enter the percentage of the share (value between 0 and 100) if your Member State has a share in the EU TAC of the stock concerned. 

If the TAC refers to several combined species, enter the percentage of the share in the TAC for each species and indicate the combination in the ‘WP comments’ column.

In case of a significant quota swap (more than 50% of the TAC share), indicate the volume of the swap in the ‘WP comments’ column.

Enter ‘NA’ if the stock is not managed by TAC. In this case fill in ‘Share (%) in EU landings’ column.

Share (%) in EU landingsApplies to all stocks for which no TACs have been defined (yet). In this column enter ‘None’, if your Member State has no landings of the stock concerned. Enter the percentage of the share (value between 0 and 100), if your Member State has landings of the stock concerned.
Data source used for EU landingsEnter the data source for EU landings. See MasterCodeList 'Data source'.
Threshold rules usedIndicate which threshold rules apply. For species that are selected for sampling enter ‘None’.  For diadromous species enter ‘None’, as no thresholds apply to them under the EU MAP. Use the hierarchy of rules: 1) ‘TAC < 10%’, 2) ‘Landings < 10%’, 3) ‘Landings < 200t’.
If your Member State has no landings/catches of a species*area, enter ‘Landings < 200 t’. See MasterCodeList 'Threshold rules used'.
Regional coordination agreement at stock levelEnter ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if the species/stock is covered by a commercial sampling scheme for length. A stock is considered to be covered by sampling if length structures have been collected for end users routinely during the last three years, or if it is covered by a new sampling frame with a plan to send the length structure to the relevant RFMO/RFO/IO in the future.
Covered by a commercial sampling scheme for lengthEnter 'Y' (yes) or 'N' (no) if the species/stock is covered by a commercial sampling for length. A stock is considered to be covered by sampling if length structures have been sent to end users routinely during the last three years, or if it is covered by a new sampling frame with a plan to send the length structure to the relevant RFMO/RFO/IO in the future.
Selected for sampling of biological variablesEnter ‘Y’ (yes) if the species/stock has been selected for sampling for at least one variable of Table 2.2 of the work plan; otherwise enter ‘N’ (no). Make sure that all stocks marked by a ‘Y’ in this field have an entry in Table 2.2.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 2.2

Planning of sampling for biological variables

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(a), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 2.1(a) of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify biological data (other than length) to be collected under Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. For species listed in this table, biological variables (age, weight, sex ratio, maturity and fecundity) that are planned to be collected shall be shown. The table shall also include data collected under the surveys at sea specified in Table 2.6, and from recreational fisheries specified in Table 2.4. For commercial fisheries, this table should be consistent with Table 2.1.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
SpeciesIndicate the scientific name of the species for which biological variables sampling is required and/or conducted according to Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, for all regions and areas where the Member State’s fishing fleet operates. 
For commercial fisheries, enter only these species that have a ‘Y’ in the ‘Selected for sampling of biological variables’ column of Table 2.1.
AreaIndicate the area for the mentioned species/stock, in accordance with column 3 of Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. For data collected in the surveys at sea (Table 2.6) or from the recreational fisheries (Table 2.4), put the area(s) covered in the 'WP comments' column.
Biological variableEnter biological variable to be collected. List only biological variables you plan to collect per species/stock at least once during the sampling period. If you plan to collect a variable only in one year, put ‘0’ in column ‘Number of individuals to sample’ for other years for this variable. Enter each variable on a separate line and avoid entering multiple variables in the same cell. Only for recreational fisheries, you may enter ‘length’ as a biological variable. See MasterCodeList ‘Biological Variable’.
Data collection requested by end userIndicate whether the data collection is based on an end-user request using ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no). For data that is mandatory under the EU MAP, it is to be expected that the default is ‘Y’. For additional data, enter ‘Y’ (e.g. because a national body or RCG requests a certain type of data collection) or ‘N’ (e.g. when the data collection anticipates future possible use).
Observation typeIndicate the type of observation activity used to collect data for the specified sampling scheme type. See MasterCodeList ‘Observation type’. 
Sampling scheme typeEnter the sampling scheme type used. The reference to sampling schemes type should be consistent throughout all the tables where this column appears. Each sampling scheme type should be reported in a separate row. For mandatory research surveys at sea report only sampling schemes for main target species as listed in Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. See MasterCodeList ‘Sampling scheme type’. 
Sampling scheme identifierIndicate a unique name (free text) to identify each combination of ‘Observation type’*’Sampling scheme type’. Use identical reference in text boxes and in Annex 1.1. For mandatory research surveys at sea, use the acronym from Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex – see MasterCodeList ‘Mandatory survey at sea’. If your Member State’s samplings are carried out by another Member State under a bi- or multilateral agreement, put a row in this table referring to the other Member State’s sampling scheme identifier. List the agreement in Table 1.3 and specify its name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling, in the ‘WP comments’ column.
The sampling scheme identifier must be unique across the tables, so if you describe e.g. stomach sampling separately in Annex 1.1, the stomach sampling scheme identifier must differ from the research survey acronym. In this case you may add ‘stomach’ to the survey acronym.
Opportunistic (O) or planned (P) sampling If the number of individuals sampled is related to sampling schemes in 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 enter ‘O’ (‘opportunistic’) and no figures (‘NA’) in the ‘Number of individuals to sample’ column. If the number of individuals sampled is related to a specific sampling scheme for biological variables,  enter ‘P’ (‘planned’) and provide a figure in the ‘Number of individuals to sample’ column.
Number of individuals to sampleEnter ‘NA’ in case of an Opportunistic sampling (‘O’) and a planned number of individuals in case of a Planned sampling (‘P’). Enter ‘0’ in case no collection is planned for a given year. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the planned sampling, enter the total planned number of individuals for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Regional work plan nameIndicate the name of the regional work plan in force if any. Use the name as indicated in the RWP.
Enter ‘N’ (no) if no regional work plan applies.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 2.3

Diadromous species data collection in freshwater

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(a), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 2.1(b) and point 2.3 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to give an overview of the data to be collected from freshwater and inland commercial and recreational fisheries for salmon, sea trout and eel. Also include overview of data to be collected from research surveys on salmon, sea trout and eel in freshwater, and on eel in any relevant habitat including coastal waters. Use Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.5 to describe the collection of diadromous species data from commercial fisheries at sea.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
SpeciesIndicate the scientific name of the species. List all species from Table 3 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, even if a species does not occur in the Member State.
Management unit / RiverFor salmon and sea trout, indicate the river. For eel, indicate the Eel Management Unit (EMU).If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Body of waterEnter the name of the river (for salmon and sea trout) or other body of water (for eel). If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Species present in the MSIndicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if the species is present in the Member State, even if not sampled.
Observation typeIndicate the type of observation activity used to collect data for the specified sampling scheme type. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList 'Observation type'.
Sampling scheme typeEnter the sampling scheme type used. The reference to sampling scheme types should be consistent throughout all the tables where this column appears. Each sampling scheme type should be reported in a separate row. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList ‘Sampling scheme type’.
Sampling scheme identifierIndicate a unique name (free text) to identify each combination of ‘Observation type’ * ‘Sampling scheme type’. Use identical reference in text boxes and in Annex 1.1.
Reasons for not samplingIf the species is required according to Table 3 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex or is selected at a regional level, but not data is not collected, indicate the reason(s) for not sampling this species, with specific references where appropriate (e.g. species not present in the area, regulations/laws in the country etc.).
Life stageIndicate the life stage of the species (e.g. glass, yellow, silver, parr, smolt, adult etc.).  If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList ‘Life stage’.
Agreed at RCGThe designation of rivers and other bodies of water to be monitored for eel, salmon and sea trout shall be agreed at RCG level and performed at national level. Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if there is an RCG recommendation or a regional agreement to sample at specified sampling sites. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Fishery / Independent data collectionIndicate whether data originates from commercial catches (‘F’ = ‘fishery’) or from other sources (‘I’ = ‘independent’). If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Diadromous variableIndicate the variables to be collected.  Examples: the abundance of recruits (glass eel), the abundance of standing stock (yellow eel), the number, weight and sex ratio of emigrating silver eels, the abundance of smolt, parr and the number of ascending individuals in rivers for adult salmon and sea trout.
If variables are not directly collected but estimated, describe the method of estimation in Text Box 2.3. Enter variables in separate rows of the table. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList ‘Diadromous variable’. 
MethodsIndicate the methods used (e.g. traps, electrofishing, counter, logbooks etc. or any combination of these methods) from which data will be derived. Describe the sampling method/strategy also in the quality document (Annex 1.1). If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
UnitFor each method, indicate the planned unit of data reporting (number, sites, number of individuals etc.). If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’
Planned minimum number of unitsIndicate planned annual minimum numbers for the unit chosen (e.g. number of traps, number of counters, number of electrofishing sites etc.). If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘0’.
FrequencyIndicate the planned sampling frequency. If you enter ‘Other’, specify the frequency ‘WP comments’ column. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 2.4

Recreational fisheries

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(a), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004, and Chapter II point 2.2 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify data to be collected under Chapter II point 2.2 of the Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to specify data to be collected under Table 4 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, which also includes marine and freshwater recreational catches. For freshwater diadromous species, use Table and Text Box 2.3.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
SpeciesIndicate the scientific name of the species/stocks for recreational fisheries sampling. As a minimum, indicate the species from Table 4 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, unless an alternative list has been agreed at regional level. Include also species identified by pilot studies and/or management needs for the recreational fishery and/or agreed at regional level, even if a species does not occur in the Member State. List elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species individually (one line per species). For multi-species sampling schemes such as telephone surveys or screening surveys, you may enter ‘All species’.
Area(s) coveredIndicate the areas planned to be covered by fishing and/or sampling. The areas shall be part of or equal to the area indicated in Table 4 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, for the species listed in that table. Use Table 2.3 for freshwater recreational fishing on eel, salmon and sea trout. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Species present in the MSIndicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if the species is present in the Member State, even if not sampled.
LicenseIndicate whether a general, a species-specific, a gear-specific, an area-specific, or no license is required by a delegated authority. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList ‘License’. 
Reasons for not samplingIf the species is required according to Table 4 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex or is selected at regional level, but data is not collected, indicate the reason(s) for not sampling this species, with specific references where appropriate (e.g. species not present in the area, regulations/laws in the country etc.).
Agreed at RCGThe designation of species of interest shall be agreed at regional level. Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) in this column if there is an RCG recommendation or a regional agreement to conduct the respective sampling. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Is an annual estimate of the total catch planned?Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if your Member State plans to estimate the catch per species (weight and/or numbers) for the mentioned species. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Is an estimate of the annual percentage of catch released alive planned?Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if your Member State plans to estimate the rate of fish released alive per species for the mentioned species. Explain in the quality document (Annex 1.1) how these estimates are calculated. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Is the collection of biological variables planned?Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) if your Member State plans to estimate the catch composition (e.g. length, age structure) for the mentioned species. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
Is there a regional threshold for the collection of stock related biological variables?Indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) whether, for the mentioned species, a threshold applies for biological data collection from recreational catches, which is agreed and coordinated at marine region level based on end-user needs. If species is not present in the MS or no biological variables will be collected, enter ‘NA’.
Observation typeIndicate the type of observation activity used to collect data for the specified sampling scheme type. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList 'Observation type'.
Sampling scheme typeEnter the sampling scheme type used. The reference to sampling scheme types should be consistent throughout all the tables where this column appears. Each sampling scheme type should be reported in a separate row. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’. See MasterCodeList ‘Sampling scheme type’.
Sampling scheme identifierIndicate a unique name (free text) to identify each combination of ‘Observation type’ * ‘Sampling scheme type’. Use identical reference in text boxes and in Annex 1.1.
FrequencyIndicate the planned sampling frequency. If you enter ‘Other’, specify the frequency ‘WP comments’ column. If species is not present in the MS, enter ‘NA’.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 2.5

Sampling plan description for biological data

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(a) and (b), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 2.1(a) and point 4.1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table refers to data to be collected under Table 1 and under regulations specified in Table 2 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to identify all commercial fishery-dependent sampling schemes in the Member State. The Member State shall list the sampling frames within the scheme, the primary sampling unit (PSU) type and the envisaged number of PSUs that will be available in the year of submission. For each sampling frame, the Member State shall record the number of PSUs it is planning to undertake.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Reference periodIndicate the year(s) to which the data actually refers. Select the three most recent representative years before the first year of the WP period (no update of reference period needed within the WP period), with the data available. Give the reference years as e.g. ‘2018-2020’. When the reference period differs from the most recent three years, clarify it in the ‘WP comments’ column.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
Observation typeIndicate the type of observation activity used to collect data for the specified sampling scheme type. See MasterCodeList ‘Observation type’. 
Sampling scheme typeEnter the sampling scheme type used. The reference to sampling scheme types should be consistent throughout all the tables where this column appears. Each sampling scheme type should be reported in a separate row. See MasterCodeList ‘Sampling scheme type’. 
Species coverage. Indicate if the sampling scheme type*observation type covers all or only a part of the species. If you enter ‘Selected species/stocks’, provide specific details in the quality document (Annex 1.1). See MasterCodeList ‘Species coverage’. 
Sampling scheme identifier

Indicate a unique code (free text) to identify each sampling frame within the sampling scheme. Use an identical reference in text boxes. 

To inform on the actual coverage of the sampling design, enter at least one row per ‘Region’*’RFMO’*’Sampling scheme identifier’ combination for out-of-frame parts of the population [e.g. unsampled (on-shore), unsampled (at-sea)]. It is recommended for all combinations, but it should be provided at least for the ones where ‘Sampling scheme type’=‘commercial fishing trip’.

If your Member State’s samplings are carried out by another Member State under a bi- or multilateral agreement, put a row in this table referring to the other Member State’s sampling scheme identifier.

Sampling frame identifierIndicate a unique name (free text) to identify each combination of ‘Observation type’ * ‘Sampling scheme type’ * ‘Species coverage’. Use identical reference in text boxes and in Annex 1.1.
Sampling frame descriptionDescribe briefly (free text) the sampling frame (e.g. trawlers in the GSA 22; west coast purse-seiners; ports of the NW area, etc.). If necessary, add a more detailed description in Text Box 2.5.
Sampling frame spatial coverageIndicate the spatial coverage of the sampling frame (e.g. the ICES area, the GFCM GSA, the NAFO area, ICCAT sampling areas, etc.). The Member States decide independently on the sampling frame areas.
FrequencyIndicate the planned sampling frequency. If you enter ‘Unknown’ or ‘Other’, explain in the ‘WP comments’ column or in text box 2.5. See MasterCodeList ‘Frequency’. 
PSU typeIndicate the primary sampling unit (PSU) inside each sampling frame. PSUs could be a fishing trip, fishing vessel, fishing day, port, trip, vessel*trip, vessel*week, port*day, port*week, port*month, etc.
Method of PSU selectionIndicate the method(s) for the selection of the primary sampling unit (PSU). See MasterCodeList ‘PSU Selection’. 
Catch fractionIndicate which fraction of the catch is to be covered by the sampling. If you enter ‘Other’, describe the fraction in the ‘WP comments’ column. See MasterCodeList ‘Catch fraction’. 
Average number of PSUs during the statistic reference periodEnter the average yearly number of PSUs in the reference period. Include all PSUs, not only the sampled ones. If your Member State’s samplings are carried out by another Member State under a bi- or multilateral agreement show  the average number of PSUs of your MS.
Planned number of PSUs

Indicate the planned number of PSUs to be sampled annually for the implementation year(s). If a sampling scheme covers the entire targeted population, enter '0' in the 'out-of-frame' row. 

For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total planned number of PSUs for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’. 

PETS observation covered within the sampling schemeEnter ‘Y’ (yes) when the observation of protected, endangered, threatened and sensitive (PETS) species is covered within the sampling scheme, and ‘N’ (no) if the PETS observation is not included.
Does the sampling protocol allow for the quantification of PETS observation effort?

Enter ‘Y’ (yes) if the PETS observation effort can be quantified. The observation effort might cover a whole trip, or part of a trip. A partial observation of a trip might include a known fraction of hauls, sorting/processing or catch. 

If the PETs observation is not covered within the sampling scheme, enter ‘NA’.

Regional work plan nameIndicate the name of the regional work plan in force if any. Use the name as indicated in the RWP.
Enter ‘N’ (no) if no regional work plan applies.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 2.6

Research surveys at sea

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(1)(b), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation 2017/1004 and Chapters I and II of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. This table is intended to specify which research surveys at sea set out in Table 2 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex and which additional surveys will be carried out by the Member State.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
Name of research survey

See the ‘Description’ column in MasterCodeList ‘Mandatory survey at sea’. Enter the name of the research survey at sea. For mandatory surveys use the name from Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. 
As a minimum, list:

  • the surveys in which your Member State participates through cost and/or task sharing, whether financially, technically, through effort or with a combination of those;
  • single-species mandatory surveys where your Member State’s TAC share (or share of total Union landings) is more than 0% but below the threshold (based on Table 2.1 of the national work plan);
  • multi-species and ecosystem surveys where thresholds have been set at a regional level for the relevant regions.

You may list non-mandatory research surveys. Indicate the names of those surveys in accordance with (inter)national survey names.

Research survey acronymSee MasterCodeList ‘Mandatory survey at sea’. Enter the acronym of the research survey at sea. For mandatory surveys use the acronym from Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. Survey acronyms used in this table should be consistent with the information in the ‘Sampling scheme identifier’ column in Table 2.2. 
Mandatory research surveyEnter ‘Y’ (yes) if the research survey at sea is included in Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex; otherwise enter ‘N’ (no).
Threshold rules used

See MasterCodeList ‘Threshold rules used’. Indicate which threshold rules apply, if any, for your Member State not to contribute to the survey. For mandatory surveys, enter one of the following options:

 ● ‘None’: your Member State has to contribute to the survey by any means, further specified in the ‘Type of MS participation’ column in Table 2.6;

 ● ‘Implementing decision rule’: your Member State has no obligation to contribute to the survey under the rules laid down in the EU MAP Implementing Decision.

 ● ‘Regionally agreed rule’: your Member State has no obligation to contribute to the survey under the rules laid down in a regional agreement. In this case, indicate the relevant agreement in question 4 of Text Box 2.6. 

For non-mandatory surveys, enter ‘None’.

Regional work plan nameIndicate the name of the regional work plan in force if any. Use the name as indicated in the RWP.
Enter ‘N’ (no) if no regional work plan applies.
Cost-sharing agreement signed by MS

Enter ‘Y’ (yes) if your Member State has signed a cost-sharing agreement; otherwise enter ‘N’ (no). 

If a cost-sharing agreement applies, list the agreement in Table 1.3. Specify its name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling in the ‘WP comments’ column.

Type of MS participation

See MasterCodeList ‘Type of MS participation’. Indicate the form of participation. Fill in this column for all research surveys at sea carried out by your Member State, irrespective of any agreements at a regional level. 

  • ‘Financial’ assumes only financial support;
  • ‘Technical’ includes ships or other platforms, supply of materials, support in post-processing samples (e.g. lab work) ;
  • ‘Personnel’ includes the contributions of people on board;
  • ‘Combination’ is any combination of the above. This option is also chosen when a Member State conducts an international research survey with its own vessel and staff , and/or when no other Member State contributes to the survey.
  • ’NA’ (not applicable) is when no other Member State participate in the survey and no other MS uses the same survey acronym.

For other types of participation than ‘Financial’, describe the type of participation, and/or its background in more detail under question 4 in Text Box 2.6.

Area(s) coveredIndicate areas planned to be covered. For mandatory surveys, the areas covered shall be part of or equal to the area indicated in Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex.
Time period (month)

Indicate the time period (calendar months in numbers separated by comma) planned to be covered by your Member State.

For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if the time period is not specified and your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘NA’. 

FrequencyIndicate the survey frequency. If you enter ‘Unknown’ or ‘Other’, explain in the ‘WP comments’ column. See MasterCodeList ‘Frequency’. 
Relevant international planning groupEnter the acronym of the relevant international group in charge of planning the research survey at sea and its corresponding RFMO/RFO/IO (e.g. IBTSWG-ICES or GFCM). 
Use the acronym of the planning group in line with the naming convention within the RFMO/RFO/IO.
If there is no planning group, RFMO, RFO or IO responsible for the survey planning, enter ‘NA’. 
If available, provide a link to a webpage with more information on the survey planning group in textbox 2.6.
Days at sea plannedEnter the number of days at sea planned for conducting the research survey. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘0’.
Type of sampling activities

Indicate the type of core sampling activities. Core sampling activities are agreed in the relevant group in charge of the survey planning. You may also mention additional sampling activities, decided by your Member State. Use a separate line for each type of sampling activity in a survey, repeating the information from the previous columns. Use categories such as: trawl hauls, hydrography, plankton hauls, acoustic profiles, litter hauls, benthic invertebrate samples, seabed monitoring, etc. 

For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘NA’. 

Number of sampling activities plannedIndicate the number of planned sampling activities. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘0’.
Research survey databaseEnter the name of the database, either national or international, where the collected data is stored. 
If available, add the link to the database in the field. 
If no database exists, enter ‘None’. 
If the data is stored in national and international databases, enter only the latter. 
Link to survey manualIndicate where the research survey manual can be found. For mandatory and internationally coordinated surveys, provide a link to the international manual, even if a national manual is  in place. For non-mandatory surveys, a link to the (inter)national manual is optional. If no link is available, enter ‘No link available’. If no manual is available, enter ‘No manual available’.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 3.1

Fishing activity variables sampling strategy

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(c), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 3 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to cover variables indicated in Table 6 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, excluding variables related to the inland waters (eel), and describe the method used to derive estimates for representative samples where data are not to be recorded under Control Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 or where data collected under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 are not at the right aggregation level for the intended scientific use. Table 3.1 should be filled only if complementary data collection is planned.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Supra regionUse the naming convention from Table 2 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. If information refers to all supra regions, insert ‘all supra regions’. See MasterCodeList ‘Supra region’. 
Geo IndicatorThe ‘Geo Indicator’ distinguishes fleet segments operating in outermost regions and fleet segments operating exclusively in non-EU waters (international waters + third-country fisheries partnership agreements). If a Geo Indicator is not relevant for a fleet segment, use the ‘NGI’ code meaning ‘no geographical indicator: national waters, EU waters’.  See MasterCodeList 'Geo Indicator'.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
Activity indicatorIf you divide a fleet segment into different activity levels, use ‘L’ for the low activity vessels and ‘A’ for the normal economic activity vessels. The sum of the vessels with ‘L’ and ‘A’ activities should be equal to the total population of that segment. If an activity level is not applied, use ‘NA’. The methodology for how to apply activity level is provided in Recommendation 5 of PGECON 2018. See MasterCodeList 'Activity indicator'.
Segment or cluster name

For fleet segmentation, see the code lists ‘Fishing technique’ and ‘Length class’ in the MasterCodeList. Enter the name of a segment or a cluster, in case of clustering.

Use the naming convention from Table 8 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Put an asterisk if the segment has been clustered with other segment(s) for data collection purposes, e.g. ‘Beam trawlers 0-< 6 m*’. See WP guidance for Text Box 5.2 point 1. Table 3.1 should include only the segments which are reported in Table 5.1.

Fishing activity variableUse the naming convention from Table 6 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Enter variables, not groups of variables. See MasterCodeList 'Fishing Activity variable'.
Data sourceIndicate the data sources used. Separate multiple data sources by comma. See MasterCodeList 'Data source'.
Data collection schemeEnter the data collection scheme code. The scheme definitions are available at: DCF definitions. See MasterCodeList ‘Data collection scheme’. 
Planned sample rate (%)

For each data source indicate (%) the planned percentage of coverage, based on the numbers of vessels subject to complementary data collection.

  • If the ‘Data collection scheme’' of multiple ‘Data source’ entries are the same, add up the percentages for ‘Planned sample rate’ and present them in one line.
  • For each ‘Data source’ with different ‘Data collection scheme’, enter values for ‘Planned sample rate’ in separate lines.
  • If the ‘Data source’ is related to the Control Regulation, the corresponding figures can be ignored (as it would have to be 100% in all cases).
WP commentsAny further comments.

Table 4.1

Stomach sampling and analysis

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(b), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation 2017/1004 and Chapter II point 4.3 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify the sampling plan to collect and analyse stomach contents.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year in which the activity will be implemented. Enter one row per implementation year and include all years from the work plan period. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
RegionIf information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'. If no marine region is applicable, use ‘NA’ (e.g. land-locked countries). See MasterCodeList 'Regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable). See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'.
Area(s) coveredIndicate areas planned to be covered. For mandatory surveys, the areas covered shall be part of or equal to the area indicated in Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex.
Observation typeIndicate the type of observation activity used to collect data for the specified sampling scheme type. See MasterCodeList ‘Observation type’. 
Sampling scheme typeEnter the sampling scheme type used. The reference to sampling scheme types should be consistent throughout all the tables where this column appears. Each sampling scheme type should be reported in a separate row. See MasterCodeList ‘Sampling scheme type’. 
Sampling scheme identifierIndicate a unique name (free text) to identify each combination of ‘Observation type’*’Sampling scheme type’. Use identical reference in text boxes and in Annex 1.1. For mandatory research surveys at sea, use the acronym from Table 1 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex – see MasterCodeList ‘Mandatory survey at sea’.
The sampling scheme identifier must be unique across the tables, so if you describe stomach sampling separately in Annex 1.1, the stomach sampling scheme identifier must differ from the research survey acronym. In this case you may add ‘stomach’ to the survey acronym.
Regional work plan nameIndicate the name of the regional work plan in force if any. Use the name as indicated in the RWP.
Enter ‘N’ (no) if no regional work plan applies.
Time period (quarter)Indicate the time period (quarters, separated by comma if more than one) planned to be covered by your Member State.
Species for stomach samplingIndicate the scientific name of the species for which stomach sampling is planned. Use species names from Table 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex.
Expected number of stomachsEnter the expected number of stomach samples based on the sampling protocol (e.g. if the protocol mentions five fish per length class for a species, estimate how many length classes may be expected for that species based on previous years, and multiply by five). For sampling schemes included in a regional WP, you may enter ‘NA’ if no minimum number of stomachs has been agreed.
Link to stomach sampling protocolIndicate where the stomach sampling protocol can be found.  Provide a link to an international manual, even if a national manual is also in place. Enter ‘NA’ if no stomach sampling protocol is available.
Metagenomic techniquesIndicate ‘Y’ (Yes) if metagenomic techniques will be used in the stomach sampling or ‘N’ (No) if not.
WP commentsAny further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns. Where applicable, specify the multilateral agreement’s name, even if it is part of an RWP, and the MS conducting the sampling or the survey.

Table 5.1

Fleet total population and clustering

General comment: This table is intended to indicate the size of fleet segments and clustering schemes. The population shall include all active and inactive vessels registered in the Union Fishing Fleet Register, as defined in Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/218 on 31 December of the reporting year, and vessels that do not appear on the Register at that date but have fished at least one day during the reporting year.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Supra regionUse the naming convention from Table 2 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. If information refers to all supra regions, insert ‘all supra regions’. See MasterCodeList ‘Supra region’. 
Geo IndicatorThe ‘Geo Indicator’ distinguishes fleet segments operating in outermost regions and fleet segments operating exclusively in non-EU waters (international waters + third-country fisheries partnership agreements). If a Geo Indicator is not relevant for a fleet segment, use the ‘NGI’ code meaning ‘no geographical indicator: national waters, EU waters’.  See MasterCodeList 'Geo Indicator'.
Activity indicatorIf you divide a fleet segment into different activity levels, use ‘L’ for the low activity vessels and ‘A’ for the normal economic activity vessels. The sum of the vessels with ‘L’ and ‘A’ activities should be equal to the total population of that segment. If an activity level is not applied, use ‘NA’. The methodology for how to apply activity level is provided in Recommendation 5 of PGECON 2018. See MasterCodeList 'Activity indicator'.
Fishing techniqueUse the naming convention from Table 8 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. See MasterCodeList 'Fishing technique'.
Length class Use the naming convention from Table 8 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Put an asterisk if the segment has been clustered with other segment(s) for data collection purposes. See MasterCodeList 'Length Class'.
Segment or cluster name

For fleet segmentation, see the code lists ‘Fishing technique’ and ‘Length class’ in the MasterCodeList. Enter the name of a segment or a cluster, in case of clustering.

Use the naming convention from Table 8 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Put an asterisk if the segment has been clustered with other segment(s) for data collection purposes, e.g. ‘Beam trawlers 0-< 6 m*’. See WP guidance for Text Box 5.2 point 1.

Total population (WP)Enter the number of vessels as defined in Chapter II point 5.1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex, based on information available at the time the WP is submitted.
WP commentsAny further comments.

Table 5.2

Economic and social variables for fisheries data collection strategy

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(d), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004, and Chapter II point 5 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify data to be collected under Tables 7 and 9 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to give an overview of the population for economic and social data in the fisheries sector.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Supra regionUse the naming convention from Table 2 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. If information refers to all supra regions, insert ‘all supra regions’. See MasterCodeList ‘Supra region’. 
Geo IndicatorThe ‘Geo Indicator’ distinguishes fleet segments operating in outermost regions and fleet segments operating exclusively in non-EU waters (international waters + third-country fisheries partnership agreements). If a Geo Indicator is not relevant for a fleet segment, use the ‘NGI’ code meaning ‘no geographical indicator: national waters, EU waters’.  See MasterCodeList 'Geo Indicator'.
Activity indicatorIf you divide a fleet segment into different activity levels, use ‘L’ for the low activity vessels and ‘A’ for the normal economic activity vessels. The sum of the vessels with ‘L’ and ‘A’ activities should be equal to the total population of that segment. If an activity level is not applied, use ‘NA’. The methodology for how to apply activity level is provided in Recommendation 5 of PGECON 2018. See MasterCodeList 'Activity indicator'.
Type of variables (E/S)See the ’Description’ column in MasterCodeList ‘Economic and Social Variables’. Enter the category that the variables belong to: 'E' (economic) or 'S' (social). 
Segment or cluster name

For fleet segmentation, see the code lists ‘Fishing technique’ and ‘Length class’ in the MasterCodeList. Enter the name of a segment or a cluster, in case of clustering.

Use the naming convention from Table 8 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Put an asterisk if the segment has been clustered with other segment(s) for data collection purposes, e.g. ‘Beam trawlers 0-< 6 m*’. See WP guidance for Text Box 5.2 point 1. For social data collection, you may use ‘All segments’ code from 'Segment or cluster name' list in the MasterCodeList. 

Economic and social variablesUse the naming convention from column 2 of Table 7 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex for the economic variables, and Table 9 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex for the social variables.  See the 'Description' column for list "Economic and Social Variables" in MasterCodeList.
Data sourceIndicate the data sources used. Separate multiple data sources by comma. See MasterCodeList 'Data source'.
Data collection schemeEnter the data collection scheme code. The scheme definitions are available at: DCF definitions. See MasterCodeList ‘Data collection scheme’. 
Planned sample rate (%)

Indicate the planned sample rate (%) based on the population. If there is no planned data collection for some variables, enter ‘NA’.

  • If the ‘Data collection scheme’ of multiple ‘Data source’ entries are the same, add up the percentages for ‘Planned sample rate’ and present them in one line.
  • For each ‘Data source’ with different ‘Data collection scheme’, enter values for ‘Planned sample rate’ in separate lines.
  • If the ‘Data source’ is related to the Control Regulation, the corresponding figures can be ignored (as it would have to be 100% in all cases).
WP commentsIndicate if your Member State cross checks data sources used in conjunction with the main data source, and describe the process in Annex 1.2. Any further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns.

Table 6.1

Economic and social variables for aquaculture data collection strategy

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(e), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004, and Chapter II point 6 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify data to be collected under Tables 9, 10, and 11 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Use this table to give an overview of the collection of economic and social data from the aquaculture sector. Do not fill in Table 6.1 if your Member State's aquaculture production is below the 1% EU threshold. Use Text box 6.1 to indicate and justify the applied threshold.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasteCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Aquaculture techniqueSee the ‘Aquaculture technique’ and ‘Aquaculture species group’ lists in the MasterCodeList. Enter the data segmentation by species and technique for aquaculture, as referred to in Table 11 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Enter only the techniques/species combinations present in your MS. For definitions of farming techniques, see Regulation (EC) No 762/2008. Collection of data is not mandatory if it is under the threshold rule according to Chapter II point 7 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex.
Aquaculture species groupSee the ‘Aquaculture technique’ and ‘Aquaculture species group’ lists in the MasterCodeList. Enter the data segmentation by species and technique for aquaculture, as mentioned in Table 11 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Enter only the techniques/species combinations present in your MS. For definitions of farming techniques, see Regulation (EC) No 762/2008. Collection of data is not mandatory if it is under threshold rule according to Chapter II point 7 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex.
Type of variables (E/S)See the ’Description’ column in MasterCodeList ‘Economic and Social Variables’. Enter the category that the variables belong to: 'E' (economic) or 'S' (social). 
Economic and social variablesUse the naming convention from Table 10 column 2 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex for the economic variables, and Table 9 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex for the social variables.  See MasterCodeList 'Economic and Social Variable'.
Data sourceIndicate the data sources used. Separate multiple data sources by comma. See MasterCodeList 'Data source'.
Data collection schemeEnter the data collection scheme code. The scheme definitions are available at: DCF definitions. See MasterCodeList ‘Data collection scheme’. 
Aquaculture tresholdsIndicate which threshold rule applies according to Chapter II point 7 of the EU MAP Implementing Decision annex. See MasterCodeList ‘Aquaculture thresholds’.  
Planned sample rate (%)

Indicate the planned sample rate (%) based on the population, as defined in Chapter II point 6.1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. If there is no planned data collection for some variables enter ‘NA’.

  • If the ‘Data collection scheme’ of multiple ‘Data source’ entries are the same, add up the percentages for ‘Planned sample rate’ and present them in one line.
  • For each ‘Data source’ with different ‘Data collection scheme’, enter values for ‘Planned sample rate’ in separate lines.
WP commentsIndicate if your Member State cross checks data sources used in conjunction with the main data source, and describe the process in Annex 1.2. Any further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns.

Table 7.1

Economic and social variables for fish processing data collection strategy

General comment: This table fulfils Article 5(2)(f), Article 6(3)(a), (b) and (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004, and Chapter II point 7 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. This table is intended to specify data to be collected under the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex for complementary data collection. Use this table to give an overview of the collection of economic and social data of the processing industry. Specify data collection for variables not covered by EUROSTAT or for which additional sampling is required. Economic and social data may be collected for fish processing enterprises below 10 employees, for enterprises which have fish processing as a secondary activity, and for variables not covered by EUROSTAT. The complementary data collection for fish processing may be implemented on a voluntary basis.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
Implementation yearIndicate the year or year range in which the activity will be implemented. Note that the annual report will only contain rows where the implementation year corresponds to the AR year.
Fish processing segmentSee MasterCodeList ‘Fish processing segment’. Use number of persons employed as the segmentation criteria, in line with EUROSTAT segmentation: companies <= 10; companies 11-49; companies 50-249; companies =>250. Enter ‘NA’ if no segmentation is applied. 
Type of variables (E/S)See the ’Description’ column in MasterCodeList ‘Economic and Social Variables’. Enter the category that the variables belong to: 'E' (economic) or 'S' (social). 
Economic and social variablesSee MasterCodeList ’Economic and Social Variable’, in line with Annex V to PGECON 2020 report, available at Guidelines for socio-economic variables. 
Fish processing activityUse codes from MasterCodeList ’Fish processing activity’.
Data sourceIndicate the data sources used. Separate multiple data sources by comma. See MasterCodeList 'Data source'.
Data collection schemeEnter the data collection scheme code. The scheme definitions are available at: DCF definitions. See MasterCodeList ‘Data collection scheme’. 
Planned sample rate (%)

The population may refer to enterprises whose main activity is defined according to the EUROSTAT definition under NACE Code 15.20: ‘Processing and preserving of fish and fish products’ and to those which have fish processing as non-main activity. 

  • If the ‘Data collection scheme’ of multiple ‘Data source’ entries are the same, add up the percentages for ‘Planned sample rate’ and present them in one line.
  • For each ‘Data source’ with different ‘Data collection scheme’, enter values for ‘Planned sample rate’ in separate lines.
WP commentsIndicate if your Member State cross checks data sources used in conjunction with the main data source, and describe the process in Annex 1.2. Any further comments or further information required following the information given in previous columns.


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