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Data Collection Framework - DCF


This section contains various guidance for:

  • drafting the national data collection work plans and annual reports

    The excels and words here under are used to draft the WPs and ARs. Instruction on the compilation of these files are detailed in describing general layouts, principals, formatting, naming conventions and codifications.
  • assessing the national work plans and annual reports

    The assessment grid and instructions are used by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) to assess the work plans and the annual reports. The STECF expert working groups meet in June to assess the annual reports, and in November to assess the work plans.
  • designing the data collection of socio-economic variables

    The guidelines on socio-economic variables in fisheries, fish farming and processing sectors contain definitions and methodology for the variables requested under the EU MAP from 2022. They are prepared by the RCG ECON.
  • data handing procedure and timing

    DCF data handling by JRC and STECF expert working groups has a legal deadline, operational deadline and a closure of the process and a well defined timeline.
  • requesting DCF data

    The data collected under the DCF can be used for scientific purposes by various end users. To obtain the data, you should fill in a data request template (.docx) and send it to mare-datacollectionframeworkatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (MARE-DATACOLLECTIONFRAMEWORK)[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu.
  • using the data transmission monitoring tool

    Data Transmission Monitoring Tool (DTMT) is an online platform designed to facilitate exchange of information among the end users of data, Member States (MS) and Commission. The Guidance document for the DTMT has been developed in stages under the guidance of DGMARE, JRC and STECF at the STECF Plenaries.