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Data Collection Framework - DCF

Data for Experts

This page gives restricted access to the data to the experts during the STECF working groups. The data can be interactively explored by the experts through basic filtering and aggregations functionalities and downloaded in standard formats for more advanced statistical analyses and modelling during the meetings.


2024 - EU Fishing Fleet socio-economic data call

These dashboards are based on the DCF data submitted under the Fleet economic data call and are intended to provide feedback of the uploaded data to EWG experts and National Correspondents.

EWG 24-03
08 April 2024 - 12 April 2024
EWG 24-07
10 June 2024 - 14 June 2024
& coverage
timeliness, coverage and quality
checksList of potential issues to be checked
uploaded dataTables of uploaded data.
data analysisIndicators and Fleet series
data analysis EUIndicators at EU level (provisional)

NOTE: The dashboards are refreshed every morning for the entire duration of the data call and accessible only after authentication.



2024 - EU Aquaculture data call

EWG 24-14
21 October 2024 - 25 October 2024
upload monitor and checks contains an overview of the uploaded data, tables on the uploads period and checks of potential issues.


2023 - EU Fishing Processing Industry data call

EWG 23-14
23 October 2023 - 27 October 2023
data check contains data uploaded that is stored in the database, the refresh of the dashboards is executed once a day during upload period or on request outside upload period.



2024 - Fisheries Dependent Information data call

EWG 24-11
09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024
upload monitorDashboards displaying coverage and timeliness for the current FDI data call. Information can be consulted by STECF experts and National Correspondents.
data checks generalDashboards displaying general data checks for the current FDI data call. Information can be consulted by STECF experts and National Correspondents.
data checks spatialDashboards displaying spatial data checks for the current FDI data call. Information can be consulted by STECF experts and National Correspondents.
data analysis
[last year data call]
Dashboards displaying data analysis for the current FDI data call. Information can be consulted by STECF experts and National Correspondents.
comparisons with Eurostat data
[last year data call]
Dashboards displaying the comparisons with Eurostat data for the current FDI data call. Information can be consulted by STECF experts and National Correspondents.



2023 - Mediterranean and Black Sea data call

EWG 23-09
04 September 2023 - 10 September 2023
EWG 23-12
09 October 2023 - 15 October 2023
upload monitorDashboards displaying coverage and timeliness for the MED & BS data call. They can be consulted by experts and National Correspondents.