This page gives access to the uploading tools through which the MS upload the data in the JRC databases in response of the data calls issued by DG MARE. For each data call information is provided on the type of data requested (official letter), the deadlines, the templates and the technical specifications for uploading the data. The progress in uploading is constantly monitored through an uploading monitor accessible by authenticated users.
This year data calls
The headers of the grid are links to the related data call details when available. Below, the corresponding EWG meetings.
All data calls deadlines and closure are at 12:00h CET.
Archived data calls
This section provides information about previous years data calls where you can find all the documents: official letters, templates, amendments and more.
A bit of history:
- "Deep Sea Fisheries" data call was launched in 2010;
- The "Socio-Economic" data call (called in 2010) changed name in 2011 to "Fleet-Economic";
- The "Fishing Effort Regimes" data call changed name in 2015 to "Fisheries Dependent Information";
- The "Fisheries Dependent Information" data call ended in 2017 and the name has been maintained for the new data call collecting a wider data set of fishing capacity, effort, landings, and discards.
Definition of terms
This section gives you quick and easy access to most of the definitions and acronyms that are commonly used for the transmission of data. You can either search these definitions by using the alphabetic list or by clicking directly on the words.