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Data Collection Framework - DCF


Mediterranean and Black Sea data call


launch opening legal deadline operational phase
18 April 2024 03 June 2024 03 July 2024 (12:00h cet)

open: 19 August 2024

close: 21 August 2024 (12:00h cet)

Who is involved

Croatia, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania

Official communications


To be able to upload data you need to use files with a specific structure. The files can be downloaded all at once [here] or one by one from the table below.

type file
Catch xxx_Catch
Landings xxx_Landings
Discards xxx_Discards
Effort xxx_Effort
Medits TA xxx_Medits_TA
Medits TB xxx_Medits_TB
Medits TC xxx_Medits_TC
Abundance xxx_Abundance
Biomass xxx_Biomass
Abundance biomass xxx_Abund_Biom
Growth Parameters xxx_GP
Maturity at Age xxx_MA
Maturity at Length xxx_ML
Sex Ratio at Age xxx_SRA
Sex Ratio at Length xxx_SRL
Age Length Key xxx_ALK

Every sample table contains for each column valid values to be used on your data set. Please use the same structure (naming and type format) as indicated in the samples.

Validate, Upload and Check

validation toolupload toolcheck the data