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Data Collection Framework - DCF


EU Fish Processing Industry sector data call


Under the provisions of Council Regulation 2017/1004, we are requesting the economic variables for the fish processing sector detailed in Table 10 of the Commission Delegation Decision (EU) 2019/910. In particular, Income (gross total sales, operating subsidies and other income), Personnel costs (Personnel costs and Imputed value of unpaid labour, and optionally Payment for external agency workers), Energy costs, Purchase of fish and other raw material for production, Other operational costs, Capital costs (consumption of fixed capital), Financial income and Financial expenses, Total value of assets, Net Investments, Subsidies in investments, Debt, Employment (Number of persons employed their FTE national, number of unpaid labour and their FTE, and Number of hours worked by employees and unpaid labour) and number of enterprises pertaining to the EU fish processing sector.

Moreover, for enterprises that carry out fish processing but not as a main activity, it is possible to report the Number of enterprises and Turnover attributed to fish processing.

Member States who have decided to follow the extended programme are invited to submit the previously mentioned data following the segmentation by size category set out in the Commission Decision 2010/93/EU. Size category segmentation, where the number of people employed is:

  • ≤ 10
  • 11-49
  • 50-249
  • ≥ 250

Here after to see the details: templates, variable's definition and segment's definition.


opening: legal deadline: operational deadline: database closure:
05 September 2023 04 October 2023 04 October 2023 25 October 2023

Official communication


To be able to upload data you need to use files with a specific structure. The files can be downloaded all at once [here] or one by one from the table below:

economic data: population data: raw material data: social data:
pro_main pro_non_main pro_raw_mat pro_social

(last update: 20 July 2023)

Important notes

In this data call, Fish Processing sector data are requested for the years 2020 and 2021. Please note that you may not be required to submit all the templates. You are requested to submit the templates according to your Work Plan and National Programme. Even if not required, all templates can be submitted on a voluntary basis.

  • Uploading data in Overwrite mode:
    • If you upload EMPTY templates, all data stored in the database will be deleted.
    • If you upload a worksheet in OVERWRITE mode all data stored in the database, as a result from previous successful uploads with the same worksheet’s name, will be deleted and new data written. As an example:
      • if you prefer to add more years that are not present in the database then use APPEND mode;
      • if you were to upload the ‘main_activity_2018’ worksheet in overwrite mode you will substitute the data in the database with the new one in the file;
      • if you were to upload the ‘non_main_activity’ worksheet in overwrite mode all data in the database (from years 2016 onwards) will be deleted and new data from the file stored.
  • Formatting of the cells:
    • FORMULAS are not allowed in excel's cell during uploads.
    • All excel's cell must be formatted as "GENERAL", keep the formatting as the templates provided.

For any question please contact the jrc-datasubmissionatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (subject: EU%20Fish%20Processing%20Industry%20data%20call) (JRC DataSubmission Team).

Upload and check

uploading checking


Data types

Template Fields Data type
value numeric with maximum 26 digits and 4 decimals
unit predefined string already present in the templates
year integer between 2008 and 2021
geo_indicator predefined string
achieved_sample_rate a number between 0 and 100
sample a number between 0 and 500
sampling_strategy predefined string: C, NSS, PSS
precision level predefined string: NR, NA, integer between 0 and 4, decimals between 0 and 1
population_firms number greater or egual to 0
population_workers number greater or egual to 0
responses_firms percentage
responses_workers percentage
comments free text of not more than 500 characters
size category segmentation predefined string: ≤10, 11-49, 50-249, ≥250, [blank]
worker free text of not more than 500 characters

predefined string:  15-24, 25-39, 40-64 (better if broken down, at least, by '40-54' and '55-64'), >=65, unknown

education predefined string: High, Low, Medium, unknown
gender predefined string: Female, Male, unknown
nationality predefined string: EEA, EU, national, non-EU/EEA, unknown

Note: upper-case or lower case or camel-case is all accepted by the system.

DCF (historical)

Under the provisions of Commission Decision 2010/93/EU (Appendix XII), there are requested the variables: Income (turnover, subsidies and other income), Personnel costs (Wages and salaries of staff and Imputed value of unpaid labour), Energy costs, Purchase of fish and other raw material for production, Other operational costs, Capital costs (depreciation of capital and financial costs), Extraordinary costs, Total value of assets, Net Investments, Debt, Employment (Number of persons employed, gender and FTE national) and number of enterprises pertaining to the EU fish processing sector.

Moreover, for enterprises that carry out fish processing but not as a main activity, it is mandatory to collect the Number of enterprises and Turnover attributed to fish processing, in the first year of each programming period.

Member States who have decided to follow the extended programme are invited to submit the previously mentioned data following the segmentation by size category set out in the Commission Decision 2010/93/EU. Size category segmentation, where the number of people employed is:

  • ≤ 10
  • 11-49
  • 50-249
  • ≥ 250