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Data Collection Framework - DCF


EU Fishing Fleet Economic data call


Under the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 2017/1004, we are requesting the economic variables for the fleet detailed in Table 7 (previous Table 5A) of the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2021/1167. In particular, variables on Income, Costs, Subsidies, Capital and Investment, Financial position, Employment, Effort (energy consumption) and Enterprises/units.

We are also requesting fishing activity variables (Capacity, Effort and Landings) for the fishing fleet set out in Table 4 and social variables in Table 6 of the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2021/1167.

Member States are invited to submit these data following the geographical stratification by region set out in Table 5C and fleet segmentation in Table 5B of the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2021/1167.


opening:legal deadline:operational deadline:database closure:
28 January 202527 February 202521 March 202525 April 2025



To be able to upload data you need to use files with a specific structure. The files can be downloaded all at once [here] or one by one from the table below:

base fleet segment data:data at fleet segment level:data at national level:social data:

(last update: 28 January 2025)

Important notes

  • The upload tool accepts only Excel files with a specific format, as they are provided:
    • do not change the headers (names and order of columns);
    • the file's name must start with the one provided, any string can be added after provided file name; for example: map_capacity_2018 or map_capacity_JRC are accepted but not JRC_map_capacity;
    • no macros and no calculation fields are allowed;
    • The "capacity" file (map_capacity) must be submitted first, whenever a new ‘’capacity’’ file is uploaded, all other templates with fleet segment data must be resubmitted as well.
  • If you need to change or delete values in year X, you need to reupload all the valid values for year X. The system will substitute the new list with the old one for a given year. Changes are executed by year.
  • It is recommended to upload template's data by year, it will facilitate the detection of errors if any.
  • More important details are summarised in the document.

Upload and check

upload tool & quick guide
(database storage, final data)
check the data
(refreshed once a day)


General definitions are available in the 'Definitions and Terminology' section. More specific definitions linked to this data calls are here after:

The first three fleet segment dimensions: gear, fishery and activity, can be used in a similar way as the Geographical Indicator to further disaggregate and/or identify specific parts of a fleet segment if needed.

Mandatory variables

templatesmandatory variables
map_capacitytotves, totgt, totkw, avgage, avgloa (mandatory also for 2024)

totseadays, totenercons, totfishdays, totgtfishdays, totkwfishdays, tottrips

totjob, totnatfte, hrworked, unpaidemp, 

totlandginc, totrightsinc, totdirsub, tototherinc, subinvest

totdepcost*, totenercost, totnovarcost, totvarcost, totcrewwage, totrepcost, totrightscost, totunpaidlab

totdeprep*, totrights, totinvest, debts,  assets

map_fssubtotfishdays, totgtfishdays, totkwfishdays, totseadays
map_fsfao / map_msfaototvallandg, totwghtlandg

totves, totgt, totkw, avgage, avgloa (mandatory also for 2024)

totseadays, totenercons, totfishdays, totgtfishdays, totkwfishdays, tottrips

totjob, hrworked, unpaidemp

oneves, twofiveves, sixmoreves (mandatory also for 2024)

totlandginc, totrightsinc, totdirsub, tototherinc, subinvest

totdepcost, totenercost, totnovarcost, totvarcost, totcrewwage, totrepcost, totrightscost, totunpaidlab

totrights, totinvest, debts, totdeprep, assets

 * For the INACTIVE vessels, the mandatory variables are: totves, totgt, totkw, avgage, avgloa, totdeprep, totdepcost.


Data types

template fieldsdata type
acronym (variable code)predefined string
valuenumeric with maximum 26 digits and 4 decimals
unitpredefined string depending on the acronyms
yearinteger between 2008 and the year of the data call minus one
supra_regpredefined string
fishing_techpredefined string
vessel_lengthpredefined string
geo_indicatorpredefined string
gearpredefined list or leave it blank if not used
fisherypredefined list or leave it blank if not used
activity levelpredefined list: L, A, or leave it blank if not used
omr_stockpredefined string; if applicable, enter the corresponding geo-indicator code for the specific OMR region in this field
cluster_namefree text of not more than 50 characters
sub_regionpredefined string
regionpredefined string
speciespredefined string
achieved_sample_ratepredefined string: NR, or a number between 0 and 100
sampling_strategypredefined string: C, NSS, PSS
coefficient_of_variationpredefined string: NR, NA, number between 0 and 1
frame_populationnumber greater or egual to 0
survey_namefree text of not more than 500 characters
response_ratepredefined string: NA, or a number between 0 and 100
data_sourcefree text of not more than 500 characters
commentsfree text of not more than 500 characters
fishing activitypredefined string: SCF, LSF, DWF

Note: upper-case or lower case or camel-case is all accepted by the system.

DCF (historical)

As foreseen in the Council Regulation (EC) 199/2008, the economic variables listed in Appendix VI of Commission Decision 2010/93/EU, are requested for the years 2008 to 2016 and include variables pertaining to the EU fishing fleet on: Income, Costs, Capital and Investments, Employment, Effort (energy consumption) and Enterprises/units. In addition, transversal variables listed in Appendix VIII are requested on Fleet Capacity, Effort and Landings.

Member States are invited to submit the previously mentioned data following the geographic stratifications set out in Appendix I and Appendix II, fleet segmentation in Appendix III and according to the disaggregation levels in Appendix V of the Commission Decision 2010/93/EU.