AR templates - European Commission
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Data Collection Framework - DCF

AR templates

The Annual Reports table templates

The Annual Reports (AR) table templates are listed with the possibility to navigate for each chapter also to the Work Plan (WP) table templates and the MasterCode list. WP and AR are listed in together in the Sections.

Table 1.1

Data availability

General comment: This table fulfils Article 6(3)(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004. Use this table to provide information on data availability per data set.


Time when data were availableIndicate the specific date (year, quarter or month and if known a day) when data was made available.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan.

Table 1.2

Planned regional and international coordination

General comment: Member States should provide information on the number of meetings related to the DCF that they attended. New meetings not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


Number of MS participantsIndicate the number of participants from your Member State per meeting. Enter ‘0’ if no participants attended.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan.

Table 1.3

Bi and Multilateral agreements

General comment: Member States should provide information on changes to ongoing agreements. New agreements not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


AR commentsAdd comments if there were any changes to the agreements during the implementation year. Use ‘ongoing’ if the agreement is still operational, ‘obsolete’ if it is no longer in force and ‘new’ if the agreement has been added.

Table 1.4

 Follow-up of recommendations and agreements

General comment: This table fulfils Article 6(3)(g) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004. Use this table to provide information on how your Member State plans to fulfil the recommendations and agreements relating to data collection under the DCF at European and international level and how European and international obligations are met.


MSUse ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g. 'DEU'). See MasterCodeList 'MS'.
RegionSee MasterCodeList 'Regions'. If information refers to all regions, use code 'all regions'.
RFMO/RFO/IOEnter the acronym of the competent regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), regional fisheries organisation (RFO) or international organisations (IO) providing management/advice on the species/stock.
See MasterCodeList 'RFMO/RFO/IO'. If no RFMO, RFO or IO is applicable, use 'NA' (not applicable).
Source of recommendation/agreementIndicate the source of the recommendation as an acronym of a relevant Regional Coordination Group (RCG), Liaison Meeting (LM), STECF Expert Working Group (EWG), e.g. ‘LM 2020’, ‘STECF EWG 20-08’.
EU MAP sectionIndicate to which paragraph on the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex the recommendation relates (e.g. 1. General principles, 5. Socioeconomic data on fisheries, etc.). If a recommendation relates to several sections, indicate all of them. If a recommendation applies to all EU MAP sections, insert ‘all’.
TopicIndicate the topic to which the recommendation applies, e.g. ‘Data quality’, ‘Surveys’ etc.
Recommendation numberIf applicable, indicate the specific recommendation number. Otherwise, enter ‘NA’.
Recommendation/ AgreementRefer only to the recommendations and agreements applicable to your Member State. There is no need to list recommendations and agreements that do not apply to your Member State (e.g. on Terms of Reference of expert groups, on actions to be taken by the Commission etc.).
For agreements, the Member States concerned should apply the same description for the same agreement.
Follow-up actionDescribe briefly the follow-up actions taken or to be taken.
AR commentsAny further comments.

Table 2.1

List of required species/stocks

General comment: Member States should provide information on the number of fish individuals measured for each species/stock. New species/stock, not included in the work plan, may be inserted as additional rows highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


Achieved number of individuals measured for length at national level from commercial samplingIndicate the total number of fish individuals measured for length at national level from commercial fisheries. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total achieved number of individuals for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Achieved number of samples for length at national level from commercial samplingIndicate the number of samples (primary sampling units – PSUs) from commercial fisheries from which the number of individuals was obtained. Indicate the number of collected samples even if a species was not selected for sampling, but length data was collected. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total achieved number of samples for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify possible differences between the achieved numbers compared to the expectations based on the protocol. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.1. You may add any further comments.

Table 2.2

Planning of sampling for biological variables

General comment: Member States should provide information on the number of fish measured for each species, area, biological variable, and sampling scheme. New species/variables/schemes, not included in the work plan, may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


Achieved number of sampled individuals at national levelIndicate the total number of individuals sampled at national level. Put ‘0’ if no sampling was done in the reporting year. For opportunistic sampling from research surveys at sea, you may put ‘NA’. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total achieved number of individuals for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Achieved number of samplesIndicate the number of samples (PSUs) from which the number of individuals was obtained.  If no PSUs are used, describe the units in the column ‘AR comments’. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WP, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total achieved number of samples for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Achieved % of sampled individuals at national level

This column fills in automatically using a formula:

 (‘Achieved number of sampled individuals at national level’) / (‘Number of individuals to sample’)

‘NA’ indicates opportunistic sampling or no sampling for a given variable.

Indication if AR comments required concerning achieved % of sampled individualsThis column fills in automatically if the discrepancy between achieved and planned measurements is less than 90% or more than 150%. Values outside this range are flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication. ‘NA’ indicates opportunistic sampling.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan, especially if indicated as required. If some species were added for sampling in the implementation year, briefly explain the reason. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.2. You may add any further comments.

Table 2.3

Diadromous species data collection in freshwater

General comment: This table should provide information on the achieved numbers and short texts to explain any divergences with the work plan.


Achieved number of unitsIndicate the total achieved number of units in the reporting year.
Achieved % of units

The percentage of achieved units. This column fills in automatically using a formula:

(Achieved number of units)/(Planned minimum number of units).

Indication if AR comments required concerning achieved number of unitsThis column fills in automatically filled if the discrepancy between planned and achieved number of units is less than 90% or more than 150%. Values outside this range are flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication. 
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan, especially if indicated as required. If some species were added for sampling in the implementation year, briefly explain the reason. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.2. You may add any further comments.

Table 2.4

Recreational fisheries

General comment: This table should provide information on the estimate of catch quantities and percentage released, and the collection of catch composition data for recreational fisheries implemented by Member States.


Estimated annual catch quantities by speciesIndicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) whether, for each mentioned species, the annual catch weight (tonnes) is estimated for the sampling year.
Estimated annual percentage releaseIndicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) whether, for each mentioned species, the annual percentage released is estimated for the sampling year.
Collection of biological dataIndicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) whether, for each mentioned species, the biological data is collected for the sampling year.
Evaluated by external experts/bodiesIndicate with ‘Y’ (Yes) or ‘N’ (No) if the survey is evaluated by external experts/bodies. If the answer is ‘Y’, identify the evaluator (e.g. WGRFS, ICCAT) and provide further details about the evaluations (year, part of the survey, progress...) in the ‘AR comments’ column.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.4. You may add any further comments.

Table 2.5

Sampling plan description for biological data

General comment: This table should provide information on the achieved level of sampling by Member States and also if incidental catches of protected, endangered, threatened or sensitive (PETS) species were monitored. A new scheme/frame, not included in the work plan, may be inserted as additional rows highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


Total number of PSUs in the implementation yearEnter the total number of PSUs that was available for selection for the specified sampling frame in the implementation year. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total number of available PSUs for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Achieved number of PSUs in the implementation yearEnter the number of PSUs from which data was successfully collected for the specified sampling frame in the implementation year. For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total achieved number of PSUs for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.
Achieved % of PSUs

The percentage of PSUs achieved in the reporting year. This column fills in automatically using a formula:

 (‘Achieved number of PSUs in the implementation year’) / (‘Planned number of PSUs in the implementation year’)

Divergence (%) of implementation year vs. reference period

The divergence in percentage of the implementation year vs. the reference period. This column fills in automatically using a formula:

(‘Total number of PSUs in the implementation year’) / (‘Average number of PSUs during the statistics reference period’).

This percentage provides the dimension of the divergence between the existing situation when planning was designed and the real situation during the sampling year.

Indication if AR comments are required concerning number of PSUs achievedThis column fills in automatically if the discrepancy between planned and achieved number of PSUs is less than 90% or more than 150%. Values outside this range are flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication.
Number of unique active vessels in the sampling frame

Enter the number of unique active vessels during the implementation year for the sampling scheme and frame specified, using the definition of ‘active vessel’ from Chapter 1 of the EU MAP Delegated Decision annex. Report this information wherever it is possible to link the sampling frame to fishing vessels, including on-shore sampling.

Even if your Member State’s samplings are carried out by another Member State under a bi- or multilateral agreement, enter the number of unique active vessels of your MS.

Number of unique vessels sampled

Enter the number of unique vessels sampled during the implementation year for the sampling scheme and frame specified.
Report this information wherever it is possible to link samples to vessels, including on-shore sampling.

For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total number of unique vessels sampled for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.

Number of fishing trips in the sampling frame

Enter the total number of fishing trips for the sampling scheme and frame specified.
Report this information wherever it is possible to link the sampling frame to fishing trips, including on-shore sampling.

If your Member State’s samplings are carried out by another Member State under a bi- or multilateral agreement, enter the number of fishing trips of your MS

Number of fishing trips sampled

Enter the number of fishing trips sampled for the sampling scheme and frame specified.

Report this information wherever it is possible to link the samples to fishing trips, including on-shore sampling.

For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total number of trips sampled for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.

Percentage of sampled fishing trips where the observer dedicated time to record the bycatch of PETSIndicate the percentage of the sampled trips where a dedicated PETS observation has been conducted by the observer. This observation also includes cases where zero PETS bycatch was recorded, as long as the observer was looking for bycaught specimens.
For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the percentage of total sampled fishing trips for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’. 
If the observation effort is focused only on some kinds of PETS (mammals, reptiles etc.), indicate this in the ‘AR comments’ column, and if necessary, in Text Box 4.2.
Number of fishing trips sampled with PETS mitigation device

Enter the number of fishing trips sampled where a PETS mitigation device was used, for the sampling scheme and frame specified.

For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the total number of sampled trips with mitigation device for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.

Number of species with length measurements

Enter the number of species for which length measurements have been recorded. 
This is distinct from the species for which biological data has been collected.

For shared sampling under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS conducts the sampling, enter the number of species with length measurements for all MSs under the agreement. If your MS does not conduct sampling, enter ‘0’.

AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan, especially if indicated as required. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.5. You may add any further comments.

Table 2.6

Research surveys at sea

no General Comments


In case of financial participation, has the payment been made?In case of financial participation to a research survey as part of a cost-sharing agreement, indicate with ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) whether the payment has been made. If no cost-sharing agreement applies, enter ‘NA’.
Days at sea achievedEnter the number of days at sea achieved during the research survey. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘0’. 
Number of sampling activities achievedIndicate the number of target units in the ‘Number of sampling activities planned’ column that were achieved during the survey. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘0’. 
Other data submissionsEnter ‘Y’ (yes) if the raw data is submitted to scientific bodies other than the relevant database, and ‘N’ (no) if not.
Was the survey carried out within the official time period?Enter ‘Y’ (yes) if the research survey was carried out within the official survey time period, and ‘N’ (no) if not. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘NA’.
Was the sampling carried out within the official survey area?Enter ‘Y’ (yes) if the research survey was carried out within the official survey area, and ‘N’ (no) if not. For shared surveys under multilateral agreements or regional WPs, if your MS does not conduct the survey, enter ‘NA’.
Indication if AR comments required concerning number of sampling activities achievedThis column fills in automatically if the discrepancy between the planned and achieved number of sampling activities is less than 90% or more than 150%. Values outside this range are flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication.
Indication if AR comments required concerning temporal and spatial coverageThis column fills in automatically if the spatial and temporal coverage has not been met. If in one of the columns ‘N’ has been reported, this is flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan, especially if indicated as required. Indicate in this column if extended comments are given in Text Box 2.6. You may add any further comments.

Table 3.1

Fishing activity variables sampling strategy

General comment: Member States should provide information on changes to ongoing agreements. New agreements not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


AR reference yearEnter the year for which data was collected.
Number of vesselsEnter the number of vessels subject to complementary data collection. The population is based on the active and inactive vessels registered in the Union Fishing Fleet Register as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/218 on 31 December of the reporting year and vessels that do not appear in the Register on that date but have fished at least one day during the reporting year.
Planned sample number

This column fills in automatically with the number of vessels planned for the complementary data collection. 

‘Planned sample number’ = ‘Number of vessels’ * ‘Planned sample rate’

Achieved response numberEnter the number of responses for the complementary data collection for each of the data sources and variables.
Response rate (%)

Number of responses/ Sample size 

‘Response rate (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Planned sample number’) %

Achieved coverage (%)

Achieved coverage from the number of vessels subject to complementary data collection. 

‘Achieved coverage (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’  / ‘Number of vessels under complementary data collection’) %

AR commentsAdd comments if there were any changes to the agreements during the implementation year. Use ‘ongoing’ if the agreement is still operational, ‘obsolete’ if it is no longer in force and ‘new’ if the agreement has been added.

Table 4.1

Stomach sampling and analysis

General comment: Member States should provide information on changes to ongoing agreements. New agreements not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


Sampled number of stomachsIndicate the number of stomachs collected.
Was the sampling carried out within the planned quarter(s)?Enter ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) to indicate whether or not the stomach sampling was carried out within the planned time period.
Was the sampling carried out within the planned area(s)?Enter ‘Y’ (yes) or ‘N’ (no) to indicate whether or not the stomach sampling was carried out within the planned area(s).
Indication if AR comments by MS are required concerning number of samples achievedThis column fills in automatically if the discrepancy between the planned and achieved number of samples is less than 90% or more than 150%. Values outside this range are flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication.
Indication if AR comments required concerning temporal and spatial coverageThis column fills in automatically if the spatial and temporal coverage has not been met. If in one of the columns ‘N’ has been reported, this is flagged with an ‘x’, and the Member State is requested to provide a comment in the ‘AR comments’ column. You may also fill in the ‘AR comments’ column without the indication.
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan, especially if indicated as required.

Table 5.1

Fleet total population and clustering

General comment: Member States should provide information on changes to ongoing agreements. New agreements not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


AR reference yearEnter the year for which data have been collected.
Total population (AR)The population comprises all active and inactive vessels registered in the Union Fishing Fleet Register as defined in Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/218 on 31 December of the reporting year and vessels that do not appear in the Register at that date but have fished at least one day during the reporting year.
AR commentsAny further comments

Table 5.2

Economic and social variables for fisheries data collection strategy

no General Comments


AR reference yearEnter the year for which data have been collected.
Total populationEnter the total population number. It should be consistent with the ‘Total population (AR)’ column in Table 5.1.
Updated planned sample rate (%)Enter the sample rate (%), updated during the sampling process (based on updated information).
Updated planned sample number

This column fills in automatically with whole numbers (no fractions). 

‘Updated planned sample number’ = ‘Total population’ * ‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’ 

Achieved response numberEnter the number of responses for the complementary data collection for each of the data sources and variables.
Response rate (%)

Number of responses/ Sample size 

‘Response rate (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Updated planned sample number’) %

Achieved coverage (%)‘Achieved coverage (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Total population (AR)’) %
Updated planned sample rate/ Planned sample rate (%)‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’ / ‘Planned sample rate (%)’  
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan.

Table 6.1

Economic and social variables for aquaculture data collection strategy

no General Comments


AR reference yearEnter the year for which data have been collected.
Number of enterprisesEnter the number of enterprises in the segment.
Updated planned sample rate (%)Enter the sample rate (%), updated during the sampling process (based on updated information).
Updated planned sample number

This column fills in automatically with whole numbers (no fractions).

‘Updated planned sample number’ = ‘Number of enterprises’ * ‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’

Achieved response numberEnter the number of responses for the complementary data collection for each of the data sources and variables.
Response rate (%)

Number of responses/ Sample size 

‘Response rate (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Updated planned sample number’) %

Achieved coverage (%)‘Achieved coverage (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Number of enterprises’) %
Updated planned sample rate/ Planned sample rate (%)‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’ / ‘Planned sample rate (%)’  
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan.

Table 7.1

Economic and social variables for fish processing data collection strategy

General comment: Member States should provide information on changes to ongoing agreements. New agreements not included in the work plan may be added as additional rows, highlighted in grey, at the end of the table.


AR reference yearEnter the year for which data have been collected.
Number of enterprisesEnter the number of enterprises in the segment.
Updated planned sample rate (%)Enter the sample rate (%), updated during the sampling process (based on updated information).
Updated planned sample number

This column fills in automatically with whole numbers (no fractions).

‘Updated planned sample number’ = ‘Number of enterprises’ * ‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’

Achieved response numberEnter the number of responses for the complementary data collection for each of the data sources and variables.
Response rate (%)

Number of responses/ Sample size 

‘Response rate (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Updated planned sample number’) %

Achieved coverage (%)‘Achieved coverage (%)’ = (‘Achieved response number’ / ‘Number of enterprises’) %
Updated planned sample rate/planned sample rate (%)‘Updated planned sample rate (%)’ / ‘Planned sample rate (%)’  
AR commentsAdd comments to clarify any deviation from the work plan.

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